Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nikon or Canon?

I know it's been awhile since I have given an update. We have been busy the last few weeks and are in the process of buying a new camera. Our other camera decided to finally stop working after it had been dropped over 10 times, dropped in a sink full of water, and the buttons were so sticky from lollipops and otter pops! We decided to invest in a nice camera (hands off Adarius and Taye) so we are busy doing research on the best one? Nikon or Canon? Any advice would be great! So for me personally I like to post pictures with what I am blogging about. So that is the explanation for the drought.
Adarius is busy with going to pre-school 3 times a week and he just started karate. I must say it is the cutest thing ever when you hear a 4 year old shout out self control and concentration sir, when the teacher asks why we stand at attention. His favorite thing to do is play with his friends. It starts right when he wakes up "when can I play with my friends?" I always respond with "let me see is the sun up yet?"
Tavian is just getting bigger and bigger everyday. Learning new words everyday. Elan told me a funny story that I have to share. I had left for the night to do some scrapbooking with my sisters so I wasn't home to see. Elan had giving Tavian some marshmallows and Tavian decided to dump them all over and start stomping on them. Elan told him NO very sternly and took them all away. Tavian's feelings were crushed he feel to the ground crying so hard. Elan started to fell really bad so he walked over to him to love him better. Tavian looked at Elan and shouted NO and ran to Adarius. Tavian threw his arms around Adarius and held him for at least 2 min. And Tavian kept saying and daddy and daddy trying to let Adarius know just how mean daddy had been to him. Elan said it was the sweetest thing ever!
As for me and Elan I am busy keeping up with the boys, I swear they keep me in shape. Elan is busy coaching the 9th grade Lone Peak football team and busy with work. We are looking forward to a cruise in 4 weeks. (No Kids Allowed) We have a trip planned to Moab next week, maybe we will have a camera by then. I'll make sure I post some pictures maybe even our new camera! lol


Croslands said...

I am sure both are fantastic. I always tend to go for the one that looks cool and has the biggest display. We have had a Nikon for 4 years and it has been fantastic. (dropped, lense pushed in all too often.) Charlie has his way with it and it is still running.

Shannon said...

I've heard that Nikon is a great one! My sister-in-law does photography a little bit and that is what she owns! Cute story about your boys! Love ya!

Noel said...

Hi Amy! I am so happy you found our blog! It is so good to hear from you. Your little guys are so adorable. I'm glad you're doing well, we miss you guys!

The Spencer Family said...

Amy!! What is up?? I am so glad to hear from you--and OF COURSE I remember you!!! :) I LOVE your blog--your boys are soooo cute. I wish I had some advice regarding the cameras, but I don't at the moment. We have a Kodak that we bought when digitals first came out, so we are probably due for a new one pretty soon, also. Anyway, good luck. Keep in touch!

lutu's said...

hey amy i got your message sorry i didnt call you back but i will be there tuesday and i hope you will be there cause i need help ordering JK hope you are doing good love ya, aly ps your blog looks so good!