Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dash for Donation 5K

As most of you know, Elan had a kidney transplant nearly a 1 1/2 years ago and is doing well. He looks so good and people are always in disbelief that he had a transplant not so long ago. Once a year the Utah Transplant Organization, Donate Life, has this event to raise money for donation awareness. Last year Elan and I were able to run it but this year due to having my appendix removed 2 weeks ago and Elan having some problems with his knee, we decided it would be fun to get the kids involved and walk it with them. We were hoping for 1st place but our 1 hr 5 min finish was a distant 2nd to the 17 min runner. We had a great time and the kids enjoyed themselves.
My cute nieces Natalie and Samantha came and supported Elan which I think is pretty amazing since they are teenagers and we all know how hard it is to get up at 6:30 a.m. when you are that age! Thanks guys!

After the walk we stopped and fed the ducks. When we ran out of bread we headed for the car. When I turned around to tell Adarius to hurry up I started to laugh because they were all following him hoping to get just one more piece. Adarius loved it!