Ever since
Pettis has been gone it seems as if the all animals are aware that we are in need of some extra love. We never noticed how many cats were in the neighborhood till recently. The other day we opened the door and a kitten ran in and spent some time with the boys. There have been several cats that have come to visit us since then. It is amazing to us because we are not "cat" people and these cats are the nicest, sweetest and cuddly cats ever!! On top of that, last night we were walking my mom out, and the cutest little
doggie ran up to the porch. We have never seen it and new it wasn't one of the neighbors. He felt comfortable enough to walk in the house and make him self at home. It turns out he was lost all day so we sadly returned him to his owners.

The cat pictured above is one that amazingly figured out how
Pettis's doggy door works. Elan and I were putting the boys to bed and I thought I heard the doggy door but thought it was just the wind. Sure enough, here comes this cat strolling in our house just as if he has lived there for years. No he is not our cat but yes that is our bed he is fast asleep which he has spent all night in. We really need another animal!!!