This past weekend we went down to St. George with Kim and her family. Lexi was in a dance competition. I went last year to support her and we made it a fun girls trip. This year we decided to leave on Thurs. with the kids and then have the husbands (Elan and Lee) meet us down there on Fri. The dance competition was a lot of fun and I was in heaven watching all of the talent and of course wishing I could still dance like the girls. Lexi did a great job and I was very proud of her! The guys were able to golf Saturday afternoon and the weather could not have been more perfect! We were planning to leave Sun. but we had heard that it was snowing back at home so... Kim and I said bye bye to the hubby's and decided to stay another night! We had a great time the kids got along great and it was such a fun quick getaway!
The kids couldn't get enough of the hot tub. It was to cold to use the pool so we would just heat the hot tub to about bath water and they would stay in there for hours. These boys were living it up!!
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